Saying Goodbye

So goodbye to yesterdays
Goodbye to all those promises we could never keep
and the plans we could never make
To the sweet sorrow and beautiful memory
To the dreams I can always hold
Goodbye to you my dear
for I can no longer hold onto
Good bye to the strong me
that I could never be.

As I scribble my thoughts and run down the memory lane
I say goodbye to all the songs we sang together
and the times when you held my hand and said you are the best
Goodbye to the friendship I would cherish
for the years we laughed, we cried, we build together
Never realised that what we build was so fragile
it can sink so easily
Never knew my heart would get tired one day
that I would be saying goodbye to you.


Life is amazing, but life can be weird and it can be a pain. You feel so blessed until you start to feel thrones prickling in each blessing. Is that how it is supposed to be? You unravel each thread and smile as if life is a bed of roses. You wake up each day as if it is a brand new day. You celebrate new year as if it is a brand new year. But hey, they lied. It is not. I have to break it to you if you are in that illusion. Yes, it is all a web of illusion.

Every person is different. Every person has their own level of patience and endurance. Every person has their own angel side and devil side. When you get married, you start to unravel those sides. There can be something you love and somethings you simply hate to stand. Probably the best kind of relationship is the one where you work out those differences and come to some kind of terms in between. What if you try and try and try and try and then it bursts. Not like a balloon, but eruption like a volcano. There is red hot lava all around and you have no idea when and how it will cool down. Who survives and whose body turns into ashes and skeleton. What about the little cookie? Do you tell her that the eruption was just a firework celebration? Does not life get complicated when you grow up?

Well, today I am angry. I am frustrated and I feel exhausted. I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to work, but I felt like writing. These bunch of words might make me feel lighter. I know there are all sort of problems in the world. But for me, this is my world. This is what I feel. God, whoever you are and however you do, just show me the way to move forward and give me the courage to make things right, give me that charisma to just smile and be cool. Take away this annoyed look that I have in my face. You know I am not that kind of person who can just pretend. Bring some sunshine in my life and let me leave a normal day.